The following is a brief recap of the main issues and matters that Council dealt with at the meeting held on September 24, 2024. A video recording of the meeting will also be posted at
These highlights are not official minutes of the meeting and are meant solely for the purpose of general communications. The approved minutes provide the only official record of Council Proceedings and decisions.
- Held a public meeting under the Municipal Act, 2001 and authorized the reduction of taxes under section 357 of the Act, totaling $11,530.54 for adjustments affecting the 2022, 2023 and 2024 taxation years.
- Received a petition in opposition to the installation of sidewalks on County Road 46 (east of Abbot Street and Windsor Street).
- Directed Administration to post a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the purchase and installation of an accessible floating kayak launch dock system and consult with the user group regarding the location, and preapprove in the 2025 Capital Budget up to $100,000 for the Marina capital budget.
- Received a presentation by Emergency Management Group Inc. regarding the Fire Master Plan (FMP) 2023 and directed the Fire Chief to utilize this plan as a reference document to support fire protection service delivery within the Municipality of Lakeshore over the next ten years (2023-2032); directed the Corporate Leader - Chief Financial Officer to incorporate the financial investments recommended within the 2023 Fire Master Plan, as part of the multi-year budget, based on prioritization of funding as part of the revised long-term community investment plan; and directed the Fire Chief to report back to Council on the various recommendations provided within the Fire Master Plan through additional staff reports and/or the budget process.
- Awarded the tender for the ENG-2024-04 Lakeshore 2023 Culvert Replacement located at South Middle Road over Government Drain (PW-BC-02501) to Sherway Construction (Windsor) Limited (1994) Inc. for the amount of $391,090, including applicable HST.
- Awarded the tender for construction of a new salt facility to Britespan Building Systems of Ontario Inc. in the amount of $240,000 including applicable HST; awarded the placement of the asphalt perimeter for the new salt shed to Quinlan the amount of $40,094 including applicable HST; and approved the overage in the amount of $65,818, including applicable HST to complete the new salt shed (including site works).
- Deferred consideration of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation Plan report to the October 8, 2024 Council meeting.
Authorized the write off of uncollectible property taxes for Roll numbers, 3751 050 000 10075, 3751 210 000 07601, 3751 720 000 09301, 3751 720 000 26600, 3751 740 000 14900, 3751 750 000 26801, from previous years in the amount of $1,568.38.
Adopted By-law 87-2024 for the assumption of developed roadways and municipal services for Lakeshore New Center Estate (LNCE) Phase 3A.
Approved extending the current contract with M & M Concessions for the provision of concessions operations within the Atlas Tube Recreation Centre for an additional2-years and adopted By-law 84-2024 to authorize execution of the agreement.
Directed Administration to fund the costs of the temporary renovation plan through the Facilities Reserve; and implement a pilot project for hybrid work for the period of the Town Hall Renovation project.
Requested that the County of Essex complete a traffic review for the corner of Renaud Line Rd. and County Rd. 42and that the follow-up report include data over the past 5 years relating to accidents, traffic volumes, and recommended improvements to improve traffic flows and safety.
Directed Administration to defer 2025 Budget Deliberations to January 2025.
Directed Administration to review the capital projects for 2025 and submit any projects which would require a first charge approval on the 2025 budget for Council approval as to not delay the design or tender process.
Read By-law 86-2024, being a By-law for the St. Pierre Drain, a first and second time and provisionally adopted the by-law.
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