*Please note that this updated Public Notice for Minor Variance Application (A/37/2024) is being sent out again to notify the public that the applicant is seeking one more relief from the requirements of the Lakeshore Zoning By-law to permit a reduced parking rate.
Notice of Public Hearing of Application For Minor Variance, Municipality of Lakeshore Committee of Adjustment
Applicant: Greg Weaver (James Sylvestre Enterprises)
Location of Subject Property: 516 Blanchard Rd (see aerial photo attached)
Purpose of Application: Minor Variance
The Applicant is seeking the following reliefs from Lakeshore Zoning By-law (2-2012) for the development of a new building addition to an automobile repair establishment on the Subject Property (516 Blanchard Rd):
- Relief from subsection 6.11 j) to permit land which is not used for buildings, ingress or egress ramps or paving to be graveled; whereas subsection 6.11 j) requires lands not used for buildings, ingress or egress ramps or paving to be landscaped.
- Relief from subsection 6.41.1 to reduce the required number of parking spaces to 81, whereas subsection 6.41.1 requires 194 parking spaces for an automobile repair establishment.
- Relief from subsection 6.41.2 h) to permit a 0 m setback between parking areas and a lot line, whereas subsection 6.41.2 h) requires that parking areas shall be located no closer to any lot line than the greater of 1.5 m or the applicable buffer strip requirement as specified in the zone provisions.
- Relief from subsection 6.41.2 k) to permit a “gravel” parking area, whereas subsection 6.41.1 k) requires parking areas and approaches within the “M1” Zone to have a cement or asphaltic binder or any other permanent type of surfacing.
- Relief from subsection 6.41.3 a) to eliminate the requirement of providing any loading spaces for the subject property, whereas subsection 6.41.3 a) requires two loading spaces to be provided.
An aerial photo of the subject property and a site plan of the current proposal are attached to this notice.
Take notice that this application (file: A-37-2024) will be heard by the Committee of Adjustment on the date, time and place shown below:
DATE: February 12, 2025
TIME: 6:00 pm
LOCATION: 419 Notre Dame St, Belle River (Town Hall – Council Chambers)
This will be a hybrid public meeting where both in person attendance and electronic attendance is supported. There will be opportunities to provide oral input electronically and in person. Providing written comments, prior to a decision being made, is strongly encouraged. Any written comments are requested to be sent to Ian Search (contact information below).
During such a time any person who wishes to attend this Public Meeting electronically and /or speak at this meeting, you will need to register as a delegation for the meeting. Please provide your contact information (name, address, email and phone number) to Planning Services, via email to Ian Search, Planner, at isearch@lakeshore.ca or phone 519-728-1975, ext. 246, no later than the deadline of 24 hours prior to the date and time of the scheduled meeting.
Attendees/Delegates will be contacted directly with registration details prior to the meeting. It is requested that this notice be posted by the owner of any land in a location that is visible to all of the residents.
Public Hearing
You are entitled to attend this public hearing to express your views about this application or you may be represented by counsel for that purpose. If you are aware of any person interested in or affected by this application who has not received a copy of this notice you are requested to inform that person of this hearing. Any person who does not wish to attend this public hearing, but wishes to provide written comment on the application, can send their comments via email to Ian Search, Planner, at isearch@lakeshore.ca
Failure to Attend Hearing
If you do not attend at the hearing it may proceed in your absence (including possible amendments to the original request) and, except as otherwise provided in the Planning Act, you will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings.
Notice of Decision
If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Municipality of Lakeshore Committee of Adjustment in respect of this application, you must submit a written request to the Municipality of Lakeshore Committee of Adjustment. Please make your request by contacting Ian Search.
Dated this 3rd day of February 2025.
- Ian William Search, Planner
- Municipality of Lakeshore 447 Renaud Line Road, Belle River, ON, N0R 1A0
- Telephone (519) 728-1975 ext. 246, isearch@lakeshore.ca
Contact Us