Please note, this by-law is now in effect. A report with options for the licensing and regulation of bed and breakfast establishments is expected to be presented to Lakeshore Council in 2025.
At the regular meeting on October 10, 2023, Council of the Municipality of Lakeshore approved a Zoning By-law amendment to define and prohibit Short-Term Rental Accommodations throughout the municipality.
Under the approved Zoning By-law, short-term rental accommodations are defined as: “the commercial use of any residential dwelling unit, or part thereof, or a mobile home or accessory structure on a residential property, used as a place of temporary habitation, lodging or occupancy under authority of a concession, permit, lease, license, rental agreement or similar commercial arrangement authorizing such temporary habitation, lodging or occupancy for a period equal to or less than twenty-eight (28) consecutive calendar days but does not include a Bed and Breakfast Establishment”
The Report to Council noted that the new definition ensures that the prohibition will not apply to renting individual rooms, secondary suites, or homes to long-term tenants. It also clarifies that Short-Term Rental Accommodations are a commercial use, which is distinct from allowing someone to stay as a guest without charge on a short-term basis.
Under the amended Zoning By-law, Short-Term Rental Accommodations are not permitted in any zone, however, the rental or leasing of any residential property for overnight accommodation for fewer than 28 consecutive days, shall be subject to the same regulations as Bed and Breakfast Establishments, which are permitted in several zones. Bed and Breakfast establishments are only permitted within a single detached dwelling and must meet minimum standards such as off-street parking and compliance with the Building Code and other municipal by-laws.
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