Drain Maintenance
Under Section 74 of the Drainage Act, municipalities are responsible to maintain municipal drainage systems within their jurisdiction. Drain maintenance within the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Lakeshore is considered upon request of the road authority, the drainage superintendent or landowner(s) within the watershed. The following is a procedure for initiating maintenance on a Municipal Drain:
- The Municipality of Lakeshore receives request for maintenance.
- The Drainage Superintendent holds a site meeting with affected landowners to discuss the proposed maintenance of the drain.
- The Drainage Superintendent prepares a tender for the maintenance of the drain with consideration of all concerns from landowners present at the site meeting.
- Maintenance of the drain will be completed as recommended at the site meeting.
The control of cattails and phragmites within Municipal Drains is managed by a more expedient process. The following is the procedure for initiating the cutting or spraying of cattails and phragmites in a Municipal Drain;
- The Municipality of Lakeshore receives a request for the control of cattails and phragmites (form not required).
- The Drainage Superintendent will visit the site to determine the scope of work and control method to be used.
- The Drainage Superintendent will direct a predetermined contractor to complete appropriate cattail and phragmites control.
For further information, please read:
The assessed cost of maintenance will appear on your tax bill the year after construction. The municipality will obtain agricultural grants and bill the remainder as per the current by-law and engineer's report for the said municipal drain.
Repair or Improvement
Under Section 78 of the Drainage Act, landowners can request to repair or to improve the whole or part of a drainage system. All projects under Section 78 require an appointment of a drainage engineer to prepare an engineer's report. The following are common landowner requests for repair and improvements:
- New access bridges or culverts
- Replacement of existing bridges or culverts
- Installation of piping to enclose the drain (ditch)
- Relocation of the drain (ditch)
The following is a procedure for a request to repair or improvement to a municipal drain:
- The Municipality of Lakeshore receives request for repair or improvement.
- The appointed Drainage Engineer along with Drainage Superintendent conducts a site meeting with affected landowners to discuss the proposed repair or improvement project.
- The Drainage Engineer prepares an engineer's report for the proposed project with consideration of all concerns from landowners present at the site meeting.
- The Drainage Engineer submits the engineer's report to the municipality for consideration at a Drainage Board meeting.
- The Drainage Clerk circulates the engineer 's report and a notice of the meeting to consider to all assessed parties as outlined in the report.
- The Drainage Board conducts the meeting to consider and court of revision and Council adopts the engineer's report by By-Law as required under the Drainage Act.
- After all appeals are dealt with, the Municipality of Lakeshore tenders the project in accordance with the purchasing policy and construction is completed.
The assessed cost as per the engineer's report will be billed directly or you can debenture the cost over 5 years on your taxes, which include the interest rate of the debenture. The invoice must be greater than $1,500.00 in order to debenture. If the request is greater than or equal to $5,000, a request for a ten (10) year period from the date of the debenture can be approved, with interest from the date of debenture.
For further information, please read:
Drainage Work Debenture Options
- A financing fee will be charged to the property tax account as per the tariff of fees.
- Interest rates are set according to policy and fixed for the term.
- Not eligible for prepayment before maturity.
- 5 year debenture issued for charges over $1500.00 and unpaid by due date.
- 10 year debenture issued for charges over $10,000.00
Tile Loans
Tile loan funds are available through the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and are administered on a first come first served basis. The term of the loan is 10 years and repayment is due annually. The interest rate for the loans issued under the program will be 6%, fixed for the 10 year term of the loan. Interest is compounded annually and the loan can be paid out any time without penalty.
Drainage Fact Sheets from Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Duties of the Landowner Under the Drainage Act
Municipal Drains and the Landowner
More information available by visiting the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs website.
The Municipality of Lakeshore has a total land area of approximately 540 square kilometres, of which approximately 500 square kilometres is rural area. The rural area in the Municipality of Lakeshore is virtually entirely under intensive agricultural production and the lands require effective artificial drainage to be productive. The majority of these storm drainage systems have been constructed under the Drainage Act. There are approximately 1000 municipal drains which total 1040 kilometres of open and closed drainage systems. In addition, there are approximately 60 pump stations. Under current drainage legislation, the Municipality of Lakeshore is responsible for overseeing the maintenance, repair, improvement, or expansion of this drain infrastructure.
Contact Us
Drainage Superintendent
Town Hall
419 Notre Dame, Belle River
Ontario, Canada N0R-1A0
Phone 519-728-1975 ext.289 | Fax 519-728-4577
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